April 4th of 2024 at noon.

This was the day I officially went on call for the Postalwait family. I had texted Kara and Will to let them know that I was on call and to update me on any changes, if anything major happened I let them know to call me. Not even a minute later Will had texted back saying that Kara was in early labor! I was over the moon that everything was happening early but of course knew things could settle down. Later that day, after she went to the hospital to be checked, they sent her home and everyone was able to relax and wait for her induction date.

Kara's maternity session was on march 24th

Maternity session during wildflower season

April 8th of 2024

At 4:30pm, I received a text from Will stating that Kara was going to be induced tonight at 8pm. Kara's previous history with her first two boys let me know that she progressed fairly quickly once everything was ready to go. I made the decision to head to New Braunfels and arrive at 8pm that way once everything was underway I was already there.

I hung out in my car until about 10:30pm when Kara and Will gave me the okay to head up. Once I arrived I began taking all of the early detail shots and talking with Kara and Will about their boys at home and how they were feeling about Baby Jetson arriving in the near future. Excitement was absolutely everywhere!

Resolute Baptist Hospital, New Braunfels, Texas
Labor board in room - San Antonio Birth Photography
Baby warmer - San Antonio Birth Photography
San Antonio Birth Photography - fetal montior
IV stand monitors - San Antonio Birth Photography
Baby's name Witten on labor board - San Antonio Birth Photography
San Antonio Birth Photography - Blood pressure cuff

Funny, little things to remember

Kara had recently gotten up and tried to walk around but baby Jetson didn't like to stay near the monitor very well. While she was up she had taken her blood pressure cuff off, when she got back in the bed we hadn't realized she never put it back on and it had attempted to read her blood pressure, and if you didn't know, if it isn't on your arm it looks like a small pillow. It moved her IV pole, kind of making everyone in the room jump at first, then hysterically laughing about the whole thing.

The Details

Pitocin pump - New Braunfels Birth Photographer
Heart rate in New Braunfels birth
Blood pressure cuff being put on mother's arm
dexcom on birthing mothers arm reading her blood sugar levels
birthing mother grips the bed in pain
birthing mother holds her phone after intervention
heart rate monitor for baby and mother
mother's birthing gown
IV pumps and heart rate monitor
iv drip in new Braunfels hospital
epidural machine in laboring mother's hospital room
View from the family waiting area in hospital
view from new mother's postpartum room

01 / 14

The early moments and talks

Things were slowly moving, the nurse kept coming in about every 30 minutes to up Kara's Pitocin and check on her and baby Jetson. Her nurse, Dakota, was absolutely great, we all began talking about food at one point. One of Kara's cravings were Mama Margie's bean and cheese tacos.

It's always nice to be able to talk and pass the time, the crazy things that get talked about during labor make the time spent worth every moment, like how Will ended up telling a story about his mom sleep talking to him when he was younger after he almost got kidnapped walking home one night and all his mother asked was if he packed his ramen noodles. Giving everyone in the room a good laugh and lightening the mood.

Mom and dad awaiting the arrival of their baby laughing together

calling for the epidural - 12:53am

Kara wanted to labor as long as possible before getting the epidural. She had hoped to be able to walk around but since little Jetson had decided that he wouldn't stay on the monitors she ended up having to hang out in bed. She ended up opting for her epidural ahead of time before her back pain got worse.

During this time, I had to step out and wait for them to tell me everything was good to go. Most anesthesiologist only want one extra person in the room during this procedure.

Epidural catheter warning tag for healthcare professionals

Everyone was attempting to sleep when Jetson kept deciding he didn't like to be monitored and start showing a little distress.

Kara is hypoglycemic, but not diabetic, meaning if her sugars get low she doesn't feel the best and if she isn't feeling great then we know baby isn't feeling great. However in a hospital setting they normally do not allow anything other than liquid and ice chips. When Kara's levels dropped it cause Jetson to start showing signs of distress and Kara started having a headache. The nurses all came in to try to move Kara around in order to maybe help Jetson out, because sometimes changing sides can help. When this wasn't working they decided to opt to break Kara's waters and put in an internal fetal monitor which is far superior at reading baby's heart rate. Nurses also checked Kara's blood sugar levels which were low and offered her juice, in hopes they could bring them up, they also gave her an IV drip of basically sugar water to help. Once everything was in place the nurses opted to put Kara into a flying cowgirl position, which is a spinning baby's position to help baby move down the birth canal and opens up the mother's pelvis. We hoped that this would help get things moving now that her waters had been broken.

nurse helps birthing mother sit up to adjust monitors
birthing mother lays in New Braunfels Hospital bed
nurse tries to get a read on baby's heart rate with montior
dad adjusts moms socks in labor
nurse moves monitor to find baby's heart rate
Birthing mother covers face due to headache
New Braunfels Birth Photography
Orange juice - San Antonio Birth Photography
Opened juice - San Antonio Birth Photography
San Antonio Birth Photography - nurse adjusts monitors while waiting for internal to work
Mother in labor grips her nose
mother in labor wears an oxygen mask
oxygen ports in wall in New Braunfels Hospital
birthing mother lays in hospital bed after intervention to help baby
nurse scans arm band in New Braunfels Hospital

The next few hours

Kara's sugar levels kept dropping on and off for the next few hours and everyone was able to get some sleep. Around 4:15am her OB arrived, checked Kara, and talked Kara through the next steps and where we might possibly be headed if they couldn't control the sugar and Jetson's heart rate which was still a bit unsteady. Her doctor let her know that a Caesarean was definitely a possibility but they'd make sure to try to avoid it if they could.

At around 7am, they did another check to see how she was progressing, there hadn't been any change since when her doctor was in the last time. This is also when nurse change happens so her nurse came in to introduce herself and talk about what had been going on over the night.

Due to her waters being broke for a little while, Jetson's heart rate still being a bit unstable, and her having low fluid they opted to give baby a saline transfusion, known as a amnioinfusion, at 8:30am and shut off Kara's Pitocin to give some time to relax her body, talk to the OB, and decide on the next course of action.

Birthing mother relaxes in her bed

The next steps

Almost two hours after the amnioinfusion, the OB came back in and did a final check, Kara still hadn't progressed and due to Jetson's heart rate, decided it would be best if they moved forward with a caesarean. This created a sense of disappointment in the room. No one wants to hear that things aren't going to go the way that you planned, and that's totally normal.

The nurse then began getting Kara and Will prepped for the caesarean. I wouldn't be allowed back due to the one support person rule, I did try to allow the birth team to let Will take my camera back however it wasn't allowed and that's normal in some cases. I decided to help Will set up his phone to take pictures of the caesarean if he wanted that way they could send them to me to have edited for their gallery.

Birthing mother grabs her face after receiving disappointing news
Laboring mom grabbing face after being told she's having a caesarean
equipment for caesarean
dad gets ready to head into OR
dad puts on scrub cap to go to OR
dad puts on OR gown to join wife
dad pulling up OR gown
San Antonio Birth Photography
dad prepared for OR for wife's caesarean
husband talks to wife before heading to her caesarean
husband shows off OR gown to wife before her caesarean
dad sat down after putting on OR gown and it ripped cause everyone to laugh
birthing mother with hair cap on before caesarean
San Antonio Birth Photography - pregnant belly

They went back to the OR at 10:50am.

The images below were taken by Will with his iPhone in the OR.

baby born after caesarean
baby being held up after caesarean
baby being cleaned up after caesarean
baby being assessed after caesarean
baby laying in warmer after caesarean
baby getting swaddled after caesarean
mom seeing her baby after her caesarean
mom looking at baby after her caesarean
mom cuddling with baby after caesarean

Jetson Kade Postalwait arrived on April 9, 2024 at 11:50am

7lbs 4oz | 19.75 inches long

A blessing in DISGUISE

I was able to rejoin them at 2pm to meet little Jetson and find out how everything went. Will began to explain that the caesarean saved Jetson's life. Little Jetson had his cord wrapped around his neck and around his arms and shoulders, so if he had descended down the birth canal likely he would have arrived sleeping. A literal blessing in disguise, and thank goodness for having doctors and nurses who truly care about the health of their patients.

Will also told me that Jetson's cord had what's called a true knot. A true knot is rare during delivery, while knots can happen, most unite themselves, these happen when baby moves around in utero. About 1 in every 100 pregnancies have some form of knots in the umbilical cord but not all are true knots. True knots occur in less than 1% of pregnancies! Rare little detail this family will remember for a lifetime!

Will did capture an image of the knot, however due to the graphic nature of the image, I'm choosing to omit the image from the post.

Mom cuddling with baby after delivery

Fresh 48 of Jetson

I remained with Kara, Will and Jetson for 2 hours after I was able to join them and captured some of the very first pictures of little Jetson.

We have his newborn session scheduled in May and I can't wait to see them again soon!

Congratulations Kara and Will on the birth of your healthy baby boy!
dad holding baby in hospital
newborn baby boy in hospital bassinet
Jetson Kade announcement photo
baby in hospital bassinet
close up of baby in hospital
newborn baby's ear
newborn baby with full head of hair
newborn baby yawning after arrival
mom and dad looking at newborn baby in hospital bassinet
close up of newborn baby's belly
newborn baby's hand
newborn baby smiling at mom
close up of newborn baby's nose
San Antonio Birth Photography - newborn baby boy
mom sitting in bed with newborn baby